Asleep In Christ – Spring 2019


Phyllis June Prior DuBois (December 5, 1927 – October 4, 2018)

Phyllis was born in Friendship, Maine, where she grew up and attended local schools. She attended and graduated from Thomaston High School. She attended Fisher Business School in Boston and then she attended the New England School of Theology in Brookline, Mass. where she met her future husband Clarence DuBois. Phyllis and Clarence were married on September 4, 1949. She served with her husband at several churches in Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia and Illinois until they retired to Maine in 1996. Music was a very important part of Phyllis’s life. She was the church organist for the churches that her husband served. She taught piano and she played with her traveling organ at many nursing homes and other local churches as well. She loved to sing in the church choir. She was very active in children’s ministry, King’s Jewels, Young Woman’s Auxiliary and the Church Kid’s Club. She was very active in the Advent Christian Church in Friendship with the Woman’s Home and Foreign Missions Society.


Bessie M. Smith (March 27, 1928 – February 20, 2019)

Bessie was born and raised in Meredith, NH. In 1940, Bessie received Jesus Christ as her Savior at an “Older Girl’s Conference” in Alton Bay. She was baptized in August 1942. Bessie received her Bachelor of Arts in Theology from New England School of Theology in 1950 and in 1952, she received a Bachelor of Education from Plymouth Teachers’ College. Bessie was commissioned for missionary service to the Philippines on Nov. 11, 1954, devoting 29 years to missionary service. In 1967, while home on furlough, she received her Master’s in Christian Education from Wheaton College. Bessie was called to return home in 1984 to take care of her mother. She served at Calvary Bible Church in Meredith, NH in Christian education ministry, and also served as treasurer for the Conference and local church’s Women’s Home and Foreign Missions Society.


(Please send death notice on NEST/BCC alumni to the Berkshire office for publication.)